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Город: Москва

Семинар для HR-директоров “The Psychology of Leadership and Successful Communication”

Семинар для HR-директоров “The Psychology of Leadership and Successful Communication” пройдет в Шанинке 17-18 мая. Регистрация открыта.

The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences and the School of Public Poilcy at The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Invites HR Directors and Heads of HR Departments to attend a unique 2-day workshop on “The Psychology of Leadership and Successful Communication” by Prof. Sam Potolicchio (Georgetown University)


     The Psychology of Leadership
     Overcoming Cognitive Leadership Limitations
     How to Coach and Motivate Others
     How to be Charismatic
     6 Effective Techniques of Communication
     How to Win Over Skeptics
     Effective Use of Body Language
     Communication Case Study/Simulation
     Coaching Case Study/Simulation

Sam Potolicchio teaches Politics and Public Policy and Research Methods at Georgetown University, where he lectures to students, as well as to high-level government officials and businessmen from abroad. Не was named by the Princeton Review as one of the “Best Professors in America” in 2012, the only one chosen from his field. He has won numerous teaching awards at Georgetown and the K. Patricia

Cross Award in 2011 from the American Association of Colleges and Universities as one of the future leaders of American higher education. He has delivered keynote lectures internationally at over 100 different universities in 30 countries including Oxford, Cambridge, and Bologna.

He is the founder, president, and academic director of the Preparing Global Leaders Summit in Moscow, Russia, at The Russian Presidential Academy, and has been invited by the Academy to head the chair in Global Leadership Studies and Communication.

The workshop will be conducted in English.

Starts at 10 am and goes through 6 pm

Participation is limited

The event is sponsored by MSSES and RANEPA

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